Wednesday 31 July 2024

First Chapter Three-Phase Edit

Have you doubts about your opening chapter to your novel? Are you unsure about your writing, your characters, your story? Send me your first chapter and I will edit it through three phases - a process which will leave it highly developed, allowing you to see how your writing can benefit from such a comprehensive approach. When I return your edited submission, you rewrite it, applying my suggestions as you see fit, before sending it back to me for its second round of edits, a phase which is as thorough as the first. You then repeat the process with my second edit before returning it to me for its final round, and when you've rewritten that, you'll be able to fully appreciate just how far your piece has come from the initial submission.

I charge by the word. All you need to do is submit a Word document of your first chapter, along with a synopsis of your novel, to and I will read through the submission, give you a quote, and if you agree, we're good to go.

I have worked as a fulltime substantive editor for well over a decade, collaborating with dozens of writers from across the globe, and my reputation as a professional who cares for his clients speaks for itself. My client reviews below will confirm that.

Client reviews: Clear-View Fiction Editing (

My website: Clearview Fiction Editing

Wednesday 17 July 2024


Client reviews are always appreciated. Here are a few for your perusal. If you wish to contact me to chat about having your work edited, drop me a line at or DM me on my Twitter or Facebook pages.


Martha Higgins - currently querying debut novel


It was a pleasure to work with Eamon, of Clear-View Fiction Editing. He is scrupulous in his attention to detail. His suggestions helped me to flesh out the story and strengthen my writing. He is professional and encouraging and I learned so much from the experience. I trust his advice and knowledge knowing that he is very diligent in his work.


Tasha Sheipline – author of The Whispers series


The editing phase of writing is not something many people look forward to doing. It is certainly a space where all of your self-doubt peaks. In honesty, I was very anxious about sending my work to an editor, knowing that it needed much work. Eamon made everything about this experience a learning opportunity. His knowledge of how a story needs to develop is extensive, and very reader centered. He has the wonderful ability to really make you think about your story from multiple angles. Not only is he considerate with his suggestions, but he brings such humor to the process, that you forget it’s even work. His advice is always spot on, Eamon is just that good. He won my trust right away. His guidance has strengthened me as a writer, and my polished manuscript is beyond what I could ever have imagined. I’m thrilled to work with him on my future projects.


Jessie Winterspring - author of In Another Time (out in October)


I had my upcoming book, a time-travel romance, edited by 3 editors before Eamon. I only contacted him looking for a final read through, and get some opinion from a man's perspective. What I found was a treasure that I wish to hide and brag about at the same time. ๐Ÿ˜†

He took my manuscript, which I thought was nearly done, and showed me that work was only about to begin. He caught so many flaws and embarrassing mistakes, which made me silently scream and bang my head. However, now that it's over, I feel more confident about my story. His gentle, yet firm guidance will make any writer improve a lot. I learned so much working with him and I can't recommend him enough.


L.A Clive. Author


I cannot put in words how lucky and grateful I am that I came across Eamon on one of the Facebook Groups for Writers. For someone whose first language is not English, but I write in English, I thought that my novel will never see the light of day, until I found Eamon. He is absolutely the most dedicated, passionate, and committed editor out there!!! He took on my project, and created miracles with my messy manuscript. His eye for details, continuity of the story, reader engagement, etc, is just out of this world for me. Due to personal reasons, it took me 9 years to finish my novel, and it may be 10 years by the time I will see it in print; however, thanks to Eamon I am more confident than ever before that my novel will be published. I have no doubt now. After his edits, I am also going to pitch agents again. Don't hesitate, if you are looking for an editor, he is the man! I will be forever grateful for his incredible edits.


Mary M. Trant - creative non-fiction


As a first-time writer, I cannot put into words how lucky and grateful I am to have found Eamon the editor behind Clear-View Fiction Editing. It would be extremely difficult to find someone, who approaches his work with such kindness, passion and dedication to the craft, as he does. His eye for detail, reader engagement and all-round attention to detail are absolutely amazing. If you are looking for an editor, I highly recommend Eamon and I will be forever grateful for his incredible editing of my manuscript.


Birgitte Necessary - author and ballerina


I approached Eamon for editing help with a little trepidation. I wasn't familiar with his abilities, but I'd reached a place in the writing of my novel where I was desperate for help in sorting out my ideas, my direction, my concept, but more importantly my fear that the mess I sent him wasn't worthy of his time or mine.

Eamon returned his detailed notes with kindness, directness, and a wordsmithing skill that floored me. He was as unfamiliar with me and my work as I'd been of him, yet he was able to drill right down to the core of what I was writing and show me the strength of it, and step me through the problems that needed sorting. And sorting we did. And are still doing, because I've become rather addicted to his brilliance, and convinced I can't finish this work without him.

For the first time in almost a year, I feel excited again about my story, my characters, and my own ability, and that's largely due to Eamon and his knowledgeable and guiding editorial hand.

If you're on the fence about hiring Eamon, let me be the one to push you off. Do it. Do it now. Your story is waiting.


Phillipa Vincent-Connolly - author of the Timeless Falcon series


Eamon is a wonder with words! What helps is no matter what level your writing is at, he critiques, edits and completely changes for the better, any manuscript he works on, with humour, genuine interest, and a passion for what he does. You can rest assured that your work will be developed into its very best state ready for publication. Eamon has worked with me on three manuscripts now, and I love his thought process when he comments on my work.


Tom Equels - author of The Horseman's Tale (out in September)


I want to extend a big thank you to Eamon. He is a wonderful editor. Much of my 'horse' novel takes place in Ireland, so I wanted an Irish editor. Eamon was highly recommended to me, and his insights were extraordinary. He was true to his schedule, highly competent, professional, and I felt I got tremendous value. I am pleased to say the finished novel is powerful, compelling, pertinent and engaging.




David Barreto


I had the pleasure of working with Eamon during the production of my first historical non-fiction book which should be released at the end of this year. I knew that non-fiction and my genre in general weren’t his typical commission, but nonetheless, I received a professional and exceptional service. Since finding a publisher, I have worked with great editors but it all started with Eamon. He guided me through the most important stages of the production of my manuscript. His knowledge and patience were much appreciated. I can truly say that the success of any manuscript that passes through Eamon’s hands is due to his talent as an editor and writer as much as the author’s. I will definitely be seeking his services again.


Victoria Wolfe - novelist


Just wanted to say that Eamon is definitely one of the best editors out there!! I’m onto my second book with him already, with my first getting to that next phase – to be published. Let’s say it was in pieces, and he put all them together and gave me a book!! He is very thoughtful and thinks of so many different things to add. Honestly, Georgiana and Daughter of the Forest wouldn’t be the same without you, Eamon. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘Œ And thankfully he gets my bits of humour I try get in there. ๐Ÿ˜‚


5 Starsss all the way!!!!


Antoinette Edwards - author of the memoir: Bitter Sip of Wine


I highly recommend Eamon ร“ Clรฉirigh of Clear-View Fiction Editing. Eamon's outstanding expertise has helped me to transform my memoir into a publishable book. His editing format was well organized, making it easy to follow as he guided me firmly into the rewrite. His emotional empathy and psychological understanding of the character in my story helped me to go deeper, to add more insight for the reader to grasp. Eamon is stellar in professionalism and wonderful to work with. I enjoyed his humorous side notes and insightful comments. His positive input on my writing abilities has made me more confident in my quest as a writer. I'm looking forward to working with Eamon again as I proceed to write the sequel to my book. Thank you, Eamon!


Joanna Foley - author of novels, short stories, and poetry


I had the luck of being referred to Eamon by a writing friend of mine. My first novel (not yet published) was finished, but no matter what I tried to add or remove, it was more than lacking in the ability to be read in a concise way – it was all over the field!

The thought of hiring an editor was a scary one for an anxious fusspot such as myself, and yet when my email dinged with a prompt response, I felt rather at home with the friendly and casual tone of the exchange. It was clear to understand what Eamon would be doing in his role as editor and I felt like I was speaking to a professional.

He did a sample edit for free, so that I could see if his editing style was right for me, and of course my testimonial here must prove that I was elated. Eamon gave much advice to improve various aspects of my storytelling in a concise and constructive way. Grammar, punctuation, and formatting were abilities I was not adept with, yet with great attention to every detail, these were all placed where they belonged – I learned a lot from Eamon through his thorough and insightful notes.

As more work was done, the edits felt almost like I was chatting with a dear friend, and I felt like I got to know Eamon and his little dog Cรบ, as if they were both cheering me along from their side of the internet like the most loyal of personal cheerleaders!

Now, with my writing refined and polished, I am nearing the next stage of my writing voyage. I know that Eamon will always be just a message away with any questions I might have or advice that I may need. Eamon is not alone a mender of words, but a comforting presence through battles uphill and down.

I would recommend Clear-View Editing to anyone, be it a short story, memoir, or you will find that you are in expert hands.


Bobby Burke 


I would just like to thank Eamon from Clear-View Fiction Editing for all the work he put into my short story recently. He helped guide the narrative and raise the level of not only the write, but also this writer.

Eamon edits your work in a manner that strengthens your draft and also educates you to the whys with little nuggets of wisdom along the way.

Cannot thank him enough, and cannot recommend him enough. If you have a manuscript sitting or something you are working on, tidy it up to your best level and contact Eamon at Clear-View Fiction Editing. You will not be disappointed.


Vivienne McPhail


Eamon's honesty, encouragement, and keen eye has helped improve my writing and my confidence. He is a master of his craft and a pleasure to deal with. I'm grateful to have found him and look forward to future projects under his guidance.


Melissa Saint-Hilaire 


I can't say enough good things about Clear-View Editing! Eamon raises the bar. He's funny and kind in his suggestions and always on point. He has single-handedly made me a better writer. I highly recommend him!


Casey King - crime novelist


Within weeks of Eamon working his magic on the final edits of my novel, I received several requests for full manuscripts, and I’m now signed with an agent. He helped me to pull the best from my book and have it reach its full potential. I would highly recommend Eamon and Clear-View Fiction Editing, as his skills are second to none.


Mary Bradford - multi-genre novelist


I've known Eamon for a number of years and when I need advice and editing for my, he is my go-to-man. He is someone who is thorough, professional, and above all else brilliant in working with you to bring out the best in your writing. Eamon is approachable on all aspects of writing and I have no hesitation in recommending him to anyone who is seeking an editor, they will not be disappointed.


Ray Ronan - author of To Die For and Molding Men


Working with Eamon as an editor is a trans-formative experience for both book and author... Having passed through other editors, it wasn't until I worked with Eamon that I really saw the value in my book and was proud to have it up there and published. I now felt I had something as professional as anything traditionally published. I'd highly recommend working with Clear-View. If you don't believe me, go read my book, To Die For... There. Review and pitch in one. If there are any errors in this review, that's all down to me. Eamon had nothing to do with it. ๐Ÿ™‚


Attracta Fahy - Poet


I engaged Eamon in Clear-View Fiction Editing to support me with a personal project, which was a very complex and convoluted process. I found Eamon's approach to be professional, proficient, and extremely competent in the overall editing, structure, and proofreading of this work. Eamon's clarity in his work, attention to detail, insight and knowledge in his craft was invaluable.

I worked with Eamon while undertaking a Master’s Degree in Writing. His precise expertise and advice was a huge contributory factor in my overall achievement of an Honours Degree.

One quality that stands out is Eamon's honesty, and his advice in outlining realistic suggestions. Eamon is reasonable in price, offering very good value for work. Eamon is also easy to work with, he has a particular respect for the essence of what is being expressed in the writing itself. I have no hesitation in recommending him for any project.